Thursday, 6 November 2014

Today I want us to look at the film industry in the Eastern Cape which is taken very lightly by many. Eastern cape has always been the best when it comes to creative arts but the credit goes to other provinces that we go to because of limited resource that we have in our province. 

                                             Jahmil XT Qubeka

I’ve been following one our own, Jahmil XT Qubeka who was born in the Eastern Cape and grew up in the homeland of Ciskei. He studied fine art and photography in Eastern Cape, until he decided that wasn’t for him, but he developed what is clearly a knack for film storytelling through hands-on work in documentary and advertising. You should see one of his film “Of Good Report” which had been at the centre of controversy during last year’s Durban international film festival, it’s about a teacher who becomes obsessed with a 16 year old female pupil. Great work indeed I say big up Eastern cape.To top it all of, this film  was produced by another Eastern Cape born Artist ,Luzuko Dilima.This has again put Eastern Cape on the map, but the question to ask is how long will it take for us to be on the same level as other provinces in terms of recognition and financial support.Lot of artist are leaving the Eastern Cape to get recognition elsewhere. It’s very sad that a Province that has so much talent can’t look after its own talent. Let me tell you what we are doing in the Eastern Cape we make everything about politics. We have all the good ideas and structures are there but the purpose is still not served.If you look at the Film industry of South Africa the cream of this industry hails from the home of legends.

Here are some of the people who lift the flag of Eastern Cape up High.

John Kani was born in Port Elizabeth .He is known for his famous play called Sizwe Banzi is Dead which he co-written with other E.C script writers Athol Furgad and Winston Ntshona.He has received many awards, last year he was awarded an honorary Doctorate of philosophy  by the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University.

Zolisa Xaluva  we've seen him on Generations as Jason Dlomo he also hails from the Eastern Cape.
He also featured in drama called Gugu no Andile.

 There are a lot of artist in our streets that are very talented ,some are already giving up they have been trying with no luck.Let me tell you son, giving up is never an answer keep on pushing the doors will open eventually and you will be smiling like anyone else who ever smiled.

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