Friday, 31 October 2014


Have you ever wondered where would you be if you never had self-doubt?

Self-doubt is that little voice inside you telling you that you can’t do it or what will other people say about what you trying to do or achieve. I have discovered that growing up I had many of those events trying to please everyone around and compromising what I really want or even end up doing nothing at all because of fear of failure. Self-doubt is one of the huge sabotage in one’s success, so please stop second guessing yourself and do what you believe you can with or without people having to approve it first. A friend of mine once told me that I’m the only person standing in my own way of success and that really made sense to me because everyone else is doing what they like and here I was trying to do what other people think is good for me.

‘’Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we often might win by fearing to attempt’’.-William Shakespeare, Measure for measure. There are many people I know that are very talented in different spheres of life, but this poison they are feeding themselves is holding them back. ‘’most haters are stuck in a poisonous mental prison of jealousy and self-doubt that blinds them to their own potentiality.

How does one overcome this?  
First you need to understand that it is normal to have doubts about whatever you have learned from other peoples experience but that should not take precedence into your own ideas and goals.

·         Stop comparing your accomplishments to your friends and colleagues.
That is the time people doubt themselves the most and start feeling inadequate.Remember, everyone is on his or her own journey.
·         Forget about what is everyone else is thinking of you.
Worrying about what other people think of you will hold you back from doing something potentially huge for yourself.
·         Just make a decision, and then correct your course as you go along.                            
Getting caught up in a decision is another sure fire way to water the seeds of self-doubt. Just make a decision. Usually your first choice is going to be your best since it typically comes from a place of intuition rather from the ego.                                   
·         Listen and read positive material on a daily basis.                                                    

  What helped me is listening to positive music and reading positive books.

Those musicians, dancers, scriptwriters, crafters that underrate themselves its high time they came forward because time waits for no man, the worst enemy to creativity is self- doubt.
Take those opportunities and believe in yourself, if you don’t who will?

Life is about taking an initiative, talent alone is not enough. Don’t get discouraged or let me rather say don’t discourage yourself when you know that you have a potential of doing anything. Get up and do what you do best.

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